Daily Archives: September 19, 2013

Live Life!

“I am the way, the truth and the life!” These powerful words were declared by the greatest one who ever graced the earth, Jesus Christ Himself.

To live life you must live Jesus Christ, for He is life itself.  Life outside of Jesus is mere existence.  God did not create us to exist but to live.

“I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” Again what powerful words from the mouth of Jesus.

Are you living the abundant life that Christ came to give to you? 

What is the abundant life? It is life in Christ.  Christ living in you, with you, through you and for you.

Choose today to live Life.

Make sure that your relationship with God through Jesus Christ is secured.  Embark on life with a new perspective.  Declare to yourself, that you will live life and not let life live you.  You will make the choices.  You will take control.  You will let Jesus into your space so that He can live life in you and with you.

Your life is a gift from God, love it, live it and you will be bless through it.
