Keep the faith


It seems like every where I turn, I come face to face with the fact that everyone is going through something or the other.  Whether it is financial issues, physical illness or even the betrayal of a friendship, everyone is going through some sort of crisis.

From a human standpoint, one may be tempted to get frustrated and even want to give up but from God’s view point it is a entirely different perspective.

My friend, trouble or crisis is used by God to show us exactly what we are made of.

The true character of a person is revealed by the way he or she handles crisis.

Believe it or not, we are strengthened by what we go through.

All things do work out for our good if we would keep the faith.  What faith you may ask?  Faith in God and faith in our ability to ride out the storms of life.

We were made by God to withstand the trials of life.  God never allows us to go through more than we are able to handle.

Have faith in the God that lives inside of you and know that you are coming through this and at the end of it all you would be better for it, stronger through it and wiser because of it.

Don’t fall through, leap over for God is with you every step of the way.


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